The second installment of the Made Equal series offers a completely different vibe from the first pair. With the Made Equal branding in the swoosh, to the “panda” like colorway, this pair offers an energy that would allow you to wear them in a professional setting or to a classy event. Also coming with each pair, are black leather laces, Made Equal Clothing Co insoles, and hang tags. *Every pair is 100% hand-painted and/or airbrushed with peace and love. Shipping may vary up to 4 weeks due to the customization of each sneaker.
The second installment of the Made Equal series offers a completely different vibe from the first pair. With the Made Equal branding in the swoosh, to the “panda” like colorway, this pair offers an energy that would allow you to wear them in a professional setting or to a classy event. Also coming with each pair, are black leather laces, Made Equal Clothing Co insoles, and hang tags. *Every pair is 100% hand-painted and/or airbrushed with peace and love. Shipping may vary up to 4 weeks due to the customization of each sneaker.